Many organizations want to be better workplaces for women and to have more women at all levels. But implementation proves to be difficult and slow. Four factors distinguish companies that succeed in making a breakthrough.
If glass ceilings keep women from moving up, glass walls can keep them from moving to the side. This metaphor describes the harsh realities of coaching college and university sports teams in the United States. A little over 40% of women’s athletics teams are coached by women, while fewer than 1% of men’s teams are coached by women. Read more to learn how to improve these stats…
Pressure from financing agencies can lead to creative attempts to manipulate publishing metrics.
Affirmative action is often criticized as giving unfair advantages. Different people are evaluated by different criteria, which inevitably lowers the quality of the selected group, is the claim.
The logic behind these claims is not hard to understand, but it may be wrong. For more of the truth about affirmative action…
Girls are smarter than boys, but where are the women in math and sciences?
Role models make a difference. Structural impediments can be subtle, like asking for information about gender. These are just two of the many lessons that can be gleaned from this poster. I hope you’ll see even more. Read more to find out why…
We know that women in leadership makes organizations perform better. And we know that employees are more satisfied in companies with women in leadership teams. So what about implement a zero-tolerance policy for no gender diversity in the workplace. Read more…
Young women scientists leave academia in far greater numbers than men for three reasons. Sacrifice, little appeal and disproportionate impediments are conclusions made by PhD candidates, thus steering them away. What can we do about it? Read more to find out…
The Mayo Clinic has six strategies they consider essential for their continued success — six strategies which constitute the spirit of the Clinic. As you read them, ask what they could mean for your organization.
One of the most fundamental challenges for university presidents, deans, department chairs, and research group leaders is to make the best environment for research. Everything else a university does builds on success in doing science.