Tag: education

Gender Equality

A sex point or two for male nurses

Should universities programs with a sex-skewed group of students use affirmative action to get greater balance in the student population? Is it important to have more male nurses or more female engineers? Here’s one strategy that’s being tried.

Gender Equality

Sometimes you just need a woman

Groups that include both men and women are more intelligent, they achieve greater profitability and they make working environments better. Norway’s segregated workplaces are not optimal.

This is why we need to work to recruit more women to professions in which they are underrepresented — and more men where they are underrepresented. Workplaces that could be better for men and women are one of the topics we discuss today, on International Women’s Day. Read more why you need a woman…


What happens when we have no students?

What should universities and colleges do when students don’t want to take our courses? What if no one wants a degree in German? What if Art History only attracts a handful of students? Do we shut down departments based on the ebb and flow of student interest? Or is there another way?

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